Development from Zero

This is page is for individuals who have never contributed to an open-source project before.

Make a Github Account

Go to Github and make an account.

Downloading Development Software

You will need some specific pieces of software before starting.

1) Git

Git is a very common command line tool used to keep track of changes to projects. It is how you will receive this project and tell the maintainer about the changes you made.

On MacOS and Linux, it should be easily available/installable from the Terminal.

On Windows, you will need to download Git Bash. This is a terminal that contains most of the familiar bash commands (cd, rm, etc.) along with git itself.

2) Conda

You will also need to download a package manager. I recommend conda. This is easily installable from a terminal on Linux. If you are on Windows, Download miniconda here. This will also install a terminal with the conda package manager installed.

Obtaining the Project

Sign in to Github and go to this project’s page.

Click the Fork button at the top right (next to Star). This will create a copy on your account.

Open your terminal containing git.

Make a directory that’s a sensible location for this project. For example, Programming\OpenSource\.

Change into this directory.

> cd Programming\OpenSource\

Make sure you are connected to the internet. Run the following command.

> git clone<your-github-username>/graphenemodeling.git

This will download your version of the project. You should now see a directory graphenemodeling.

Creating a Development Environment

Open conda. If you downloaded the miniconda installer, open the Anaconda Prompt that it installed on your computer.

Create a new environment and install the packages required for graphenemodeling to run.

> conda create -n graphenemodeling-dev python=3.7 scipy matplotlib

Now activate this environment

> conda activate graphenemodeling-dev

Install pytest for testing and sphinx for building the documentation.

> conda install pytest sphinx

Finally, we need to tell the environment where graphenemodeling lives. Change directories to the root directory of the project.

> cd Programming\OpenSource\graphenemodeling

And run

> python develop

Run the following to ensure everything works.

> python -m graphenemodeling

Making changes to the Project

When developing, I like to have two terminals open: a testing terminal (conda) and a versioning terminal (git). Open these two.

Git has a feature called “branches”, which are essentially just different versions of the code. The released version of the project (the one on PyPI) is on the master branch. You should not make changes to this branch as they will not be accepted.

The developing version of the project is on the develop branch. All changes you make should start from the develop branch. To accomplish this, checkout the develop branch.

> git checkout develop

Then, make a new branch and check it out.

> git branch new-feature
> git checkout new-feature

As long as the new-feature branch is checked out, you can be bold with your changes.

Any time you start a new session working on the project, follow this workflow.

# Ensure the master branch and development branch are up-to-date
> git checkout master
> git fetch upstream
> git merge
> git checkout develop
> git merge
# Checkout your feature branch
> git checkout new-feature
# Rebase so that all changes replay as if they're on the head of develop
> git rebase develop

Then repeat the following workflow as many times as you need.

# Make more changes (typeity type type)
# Check that the files you wanted to change have changed
> git status
# Add the files
> git add .
> git commit -m "Type a message here. What did you change?"

Finally, when you are ready to submit your changes,

# Push the new-feature branch to your account
> git push

Go to your github account and make a pull request.