
graphenemodeling.graphene.monolayer.Hamiltonian(k, model, g0prime=0)

Tight-binding Hamiltonian in momentum space.

  • k (array-like, complex, rad/m) – Wavevector of carrier. Use complex k=kx + 1j*ky for 2D wavevectors.
  • model (string) – 'LowEnergy', 'FullTightBinding'
  • g0prime (scalar, J) – The particle-hole asymmetry parameter \(\gamma_0'\). Typically \(0.02\gamma_0\leq\gamma_0'\leq 0.2\gamma_0\).

H – Tight-binding Hamiltonian evaluated at k.

Return type:

2x2 complex ndarray


ValueError – if model is not ‘LowEnergy’ or ‘FullTightBinding’


Let \(k=k_x+ik_y\). Then the model=FullTightBinding expression is given by

\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}H = \left(\array{ -\gamma_0' & \gamma_0f(k)\\ \gamma_0f(k)^* & -\gamma_0' } \right)\end{aligned}\end{align} \]

where \(f(k)= e^{ik_x a/2} + 2 e^{-i k_x a/ 2}\cos(k_y a \sqrt{3}/2)\)

The more common model=LowEnergy approximation is

\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}H = \hbar v_F\left(\array{ 0 & k\\ k^* & 0\\ } \right)\end{aligned}\end{align} \]


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